


children,kids,education,achievement : Hello blog visitors shanties money that Loyal . this occasion I will make an article a bit out of the theme of the blog, yet Hopefully encouragement can be an inspiration for us and our children in the future, as the title above which is 5 Children's Achievement City Tangerang.

Mohammad Nuryami (AMBASSADOR BANTEN) 
Yami, that's the nickname of Mohammad Nuryami, son Tangerang derived from Plawad RT.01 RW.03 Poris Poris Plawad This beautiful village was elected AMBASSADOR BANTEN because they managed to be the Son Terfavoit se-Banten in an election forum Board National Children's Forum, which was attended by hundreds of children in Indonesia, held in the city of Bogor in mid-August 2015. At this forum also discussed a formulation Voice of Indonesian Children to be submitted to the President.Events held by the Ministry of Women Empowerment and the child is the culmination of the National Children's Day which dihadri by President Joko Widodo.One proposal that Yami which reads "The more we Prioritizing Needs" to be one of the 8 points Indonesia be produced child's voiceat the meeting

AMALIA (10 times Champion climbing Cliffs) 
Young women with a cute face RW.2 RT.01 children from the Village Karang Anyar - Tangerang.Amalia a child who excel in the field of Sport Climbing.2014 graduate SMK PGRI this Cikokol be athletes climbing cliffs of Tangerang city by repeatedly winning at the level of Tangerang City, Banten Province Jabodetabek up.This young woman had been able to snatch 10 titles Climbing, Variable became the second winner and champion I. latter capable of being jura AII in a race Speed ​​Classic Individual junior daughter held in Banten province in November 2014. 

FARIKA AZKIYA (Being Qoriah Since Minor) 
clever Koran is the main capital for young women who came from down-town Rt.06 RW.09 Village Tangerang belendung to be Qoriah in District Benda who then delivered it into Qoriah In MTQ Banten Tangerang city.MA student daughter in the village of At-Taqwa this Blendung, since childhood has always been Qoriah MTQ.because that he too subscribed to participate MTQ MTQ level of Tangerang and Banten provincesFarika admitted that he had since she was in early childhood, kindergarten, elementary, Mts until Madrasah Aliyah always routine participate MTQ. "I got the second place in the race at the branch level MTQ Syahril Koran at Tangerang City Jatiuwung held in the district in 2014" he said. 

Behind softness sometimes stored force, this is the image of Maya Rahmawati grader I SMKN 10 Cities Tangerangyang a Taekwondo Athletes Tangerang City.Departing from Ekskul the school, now he has won a lot of games ranging from Tangerang City, Banten Province to the National Taekwondo Championships."Initially it's trial and error, but eventually become like, continue to be explored until now" he said with great pride.Disclosed, Maya initial foray into sport Branch Taekwondo when he was in junior high school.She won the first award at the Mayor's Cup Taekwondo Championship in 2012 as a tribute II.while champion last won the championship in 2015 Delta Cup Taekwondo National Level in Cibubur to bear as a champion III.selain that there are many other awards."When the match was brought happy alone, but still optimistic spirit and win" he said.Prior to now, said a student who aspires to be a long process and it policewoman its easel tiring.for 5 days a week should follow a variety of exercises, which are held nightly hari.This here  role helped her father to drive her exercise.The result, degree red belt Taekwondo now achieved by her

M. Fadli YUSUF (National Paskibraka Member) 
Thanks to the versatility in the line of march, he too was crowned one Paskibraka Banten to lower the Red and White flag at the State Palace In HUT RI 2015.Before becoming a Member of the National Paskibraka, he should have to follow the selection followed series ranging from municipal, provincial to the municipal level nasional.From himself had to contend with two thousand participants, continues to provincial level selection followed by dozens of participants until finally he too managed to become a member Paskibra national.Students who aspire to be he police or the pilot acknowledges this success thanks to encouragement from various parties from both parents to Disporparekraf Tangerang City.Thus This article .hopefully above this story could be a motivation for us and the children to achieve what is aspired her creation.Not is instant to success, passion and confidence is one that should not be ruled out capital in achieving ideals ideals.

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