
Control Your Weight with This soy Foods

This highly versatile food is loaded with beneficial nutrients, like fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, low-fat protein, and a series of important vitamins and minerals. Also, it’s low in saturated fat,cholesterol and calories. When you take soy you get many of the health benefits you usually find only in fruits and vegetables. Soy can lower your risk of heart disease, and because it contains less fat and calories than meat, it can also help to control your weight. Once hidden in Asian supermarkets and health food stores, soy is decidedly mainstream. Sales of soy foods in the United States have skyrocketed – from $300 million in 1992 to $3.9 billion by 2004.

The new bottom line on soy? Choose it if you are looking for new alternatives to high-fat mainstream protein products like meat and cheeses. Skip it, if you never loved the taste of it. And if you are at risk for breast and prostate cancer, be cautious ( the jury’s still out on whether plant hormones in soy might stimulate tumor cells).Here’s what you need to know.

Soy foods faced big setbacks in 2005, when a US government panel decided that there was protect bones from osteoporosis. In response, the National Institute of Health said it would stop paying for new soy studies. That fall, soy producers withdrew a petition that asked the FDA to permit food labels to claim that soy protein helps prevent cancer. Behind these changes were new studies that put soy foods in perspective.

Modest cholesterol benefits An American Heart Association review of soy research concluded that a daily dose of soy might cut cholesterol by just 3%. The panel said the slight drop was probably due to the fiber in soy and low fat, not to estrogen – like isoflavones in the beans.

No significant help for hot flashes Out of eight randomized controlled trials of soy foods, only one found a significant reduction in the frequency of hot flashes, according to a report from the Oregon State University’s Linus Pauling Institute. While three out of five studies of soy isoflavone extracts found that isoflavones did help, they only cooled hot flashes by about 10% to 20%. And soy didn’t improve vaginal dryness at all.

Doubt about cancer protection While eating soy foods in childhood may help protect against breast cancer in adulthood, studies have found that eating soy as an adult didn’t seem to help at all, according to Linus Pauling Institute experts. Researchers had thought that the plant estrogens – called isoflavones- in soy could protect against breast cancer, triggered by more potent human estrogens, but studies showed that it doesn’t seem to help.

Soy Safety Experts advice to be careful with soy products – especially for women who’ve had breast cancer or are at risk. Because the isoflavones, which researchers worry, could have an impact on estrogen-fueled breast cancers.According to soy experts from the National Cancer Institute there is not enough evidence to say whether soy foods or supplements increase risk for developing breast cancer, or having a recurrence. Prostate cancer survivors should be cautious too, say Tufts University cancer experts. Even if you like soy and have no cancer risk you shouldn’t have more than 50 to 70 milligrams of isoflavones per day. 

That’s the equivalent of 1 to 2 (8-ounce) cups of soy milk or 6 to 9 ounces of tofu
Good reasons to Try Soy For most people, soy foods like tofu, tempeh, and other meat replacements made with soy, can be a healthy replacement for higher fat content meats and cheeses. “There are lots of reasons to add soy to your diet just from a basic nutritional perspective,” says prominent soy researcher Mark Messina, PhD, of Loma LInda University in California. For example, a half-cup of tofu provides about 20 grams of protein, or 40% of the Daily Value (DV). The same half cup supplies about 258 milligrams of calcium, or more than 25% of the DV, and 13 milligrams of iron, or 87% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for women and 130% of the RDA for men.

While soy foods are moderately high in fat, most of the fat is polyunsaturated. Soy foods contain little of the artery-clogging saturated fat found in meat and many dairy foods, says Dr. Mesina.
How to Eat Tofu You can eat tofu anyway you like. It has little taste of its own but it takes on the flavor of whatever you cook it with. You can use it in soups, vegetable dishes or desserts. There are two main types of tofu.

Firm Tofu It has most of the water removed, making it more solid. Soft (or silken) tofu It contains more water, giving it a soft, creamy texture. It is often used for salad dressings and desserts.
Rinse both types with cold water before using. Keep it submerged in fresh water or frozen. Remove excess water which will help the tofu to maintain its shape during preparation.

Tempeh These are chunky, tender cakes, made from fermented soybeans, that have been laced with mold, giving them their distinctive smoky, nutty flavor. You can grill tempeh or add it to spaghetti sauce. 

writer : adrian joele

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