

healthy kidneys with celery juice
Celery leaves are very good for health, in Indonesia itself leaves Celery better known by her community  as leaves to mix the vegetable fry, its function is to provide a distinctive flavor and aroma of the dishes vegetable or soupy.Celery leaves the actual benefits in the field of health is very much one of their role as a medium is a natural remedy to keep the kidneys. 

Want to know what its function of your kidneys? he references?  

On the leaves sledri contained Vitamin A which is quite high, while the leaf stem sledri a source of vitamins B1, B2, B6 and C with a rich supply of potassium, folate, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium and content of essential amino acids is very high. 

If you have a hobby of drinking juice, mace harm in making juice from fresh sledri.leaf juice is also beneficial for Your kidney health .celery leaves a lot of nutrients that are good for health, As we drank juice made from the leaves of the nutrients contained celery in it will soon work optimallyIn addition, celery leaves also contain natural organic sodium is salt in celery leaves very safe to eat and are essential for the health of the body. Even for those who experience problems with the stability of the blood such as hypertension still safe to consume sodium contained in celery. 

In addition to functioning as a drug to lower blood pressure, it leaves celery already blended into juice would be able to maintain stable renal function 

Kidney is one of the organs of our body that is closely associated with biological processes in our bodies never know that the kidneys that we use for dozens and dozens of years will be vulnerable to mixed by the salt and toxins that may be harmful to health sangt kidneys and body ,It is not unimaginable to us how much money should we spend on kidney wash when having problem.Therefore, keep your kidney health before all we feared happened and tearing our kidney health.Consuming celery juice can be an alternative and reference cheaper and healthier to maintain the health of our kidneys 

provide a bundle of celery washing is by using water until completely clean, cut into small pieces enter it into the pot and then enter the water and boil for ten minutes, cool, strain, put into bottles or place (it could be a glass ) and stored in a cooler or refrigerator drink a glass a day, Insya Allah you will taste changes, all the salt content and poisons will be excreted through the urine. 

Consuming celery leaf juice has been known as one of the best methods of treatment for kidney cleansing us naturally and not side effects.

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